Good evening, readers. First off, I must say that I'm shocked, angry, and saddened at the state that I find the United States of America in at this moment in time. I thought about not putting out my article this evening due to everything that's been going on, but then I realized that maybe it would bring you all a little reprieve from the headlines and bring myself some peace by writing it, so I pushed forward. Today we'll be heading to Coney Island for this Scenes from the Screen feature and looking at some famous movies and TV shows that have been filmed there to get our minds off of Washington DC. Grab your beach ball and sunglasses- let's go!
The main reason I picked this subject for today's article is because my family and I usually go on vacation to a coastal location right after Christmas every year and our New Year's Day tradition is to take a walk on the beach. Due to Covid we couldn't take that trip this year, so I thought it would be fun to make my first featured article of the season about a past trip to a beach!
The Scene
Coney Island is a neighborhood and entertainment hub in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, originally settled in the 17th century by the Dutch. The origin of the name "Coney Island" however, is disputed. Coney Island is also no longer an island; it was formerly one of the Outer Barrier Islands, but "a large section of the creek was filled in the 1920s and 1930s, turning the island into a peninsula", according to Wikipedia. There is no lack of attractions at Coney Island; there are two amusement parks (Luna Park and Deno's Wonder Wheel Amusement Park) with rides like the B&B Carousell and Coney Island Cyclone, public beaches and the boardwalk, public parks, The New York Aquarium, the Coney Island Museum, food galore, tons of events throughout the year, and so much more! I went to Coney Island during college on a fall break, long-weekend trip and unfortunately not everything was open, but it was still a blast!
Last Two Photos Courtesy of Coney Island Fun Guide
The Screen
So what famous faces have graced the boardwalk, beaches, and streets of Coney Island? A lot of big names, primarily from movies: some old and some new. Here is a list of some of the movies and shows that have been filmed in Coney Island: The Wiz (1978), Beaches (1988), Brighton Beach Memoirs (1986), Uptown Girls (2003), Brooklyn (2015), and Say Yes to the Dress (2018). While there are many others, these are the ones that I know the most about and stand out to me. The Wiz is considered a "cult-classic" and is a modern version of The Wizard of Oz, starring Diana Ross as Dorothy, Michael Jackson as the Scarecrow, and Nipsey Russell as the Tin Man. Brooklyn is the most recent film on the list and stars Saoirse Ronan and Emory Cohen in a romantic period drama about immigrants coming to America and choosing what lives to lead there. This film introduced me to Saoirse (I had seen Atonement before but didn't realize she was the little girl) before her Ladybird and Little Women fame. Since Brooklyn captures Coney Island in the 1950s, we really see the boardwalk in an entirely different setting with pastel colors, vintage clothing, penny treats, and more. I actually don't watch a lot of TLC, but I distinctly remembered seeing one episode of the hit reality TV show Say Yes to the Dress where a couple got married in Coney Island and I knew I had to include it in this article. Designer Randy Fenoli and Stylist Lisa Fuhrman attended a client's wedding ceremony there after helping her find her dream bridal gown and then got in on some of the fun themselves, trying out a few of the rides and treats that the neighborhood had to offer.
Photos In Order of Appearance: The Wiz, Brooklyn, Say Yes to the Dress, Beaches, Uptown Girls & Brighton Beach Memoirs (Photos Courtesy of Randy Fenoli and A Slice of Brooklyn)
If you've never been to Coney Island, you should definitely put it on your list of places to visit- especially now that Taylor Swift's got a song about it! Obviously there are some restrictions in Coney Island right now due to the Pandemic and because of the time of year, so I have included the link to a tourist information website that will answer any questions you may have about what's open and what's not. Enjoy the sand in your toes, the taste of a pink, fluffy cotton candy, and the wind rushing through your hair as you whoosh past on a roller coaster; I think we could all use that right about now. Someday soon, we can only hope.
Thank you for tuning in this evening! I hope this article brought you a little bit of peace and joy and distracted you from all of the horrible news in the world for just the briefest of moments. If you enjoyed the article, please give it a heart and a share. You can also connect with Mac Claire on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Spotify! To make sure you never miss an article, click the "subscribe" button on the Mac Claire website to get the weekly email.
Make sure to come back here on Monday for my Mac Weekly Highlight and stay safe out there. ❤ Thanks for being a reader.